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Joyeux Noël!

All-hail, Christmas is here!

The busiest time of the year, yet the most exciting. This year, although no different from the last, felt like something amiss. Perhaps it's the fact that my brother is abroad during this holiday season and our family portraits are missing a presence; or perhaps things on the paternal side of my family have been a series of bumpy rides. Whatever it may be, the merry atmosphere is not as peak as it used to be.

Regardless, I've refused to let it dampen my spirits because we always need to make-do with what's at hand and make the most of each moment you're given - spend a little more time with the people you're surrounded by (meaning, GET OFF YOUR PHONE!) and actually taking the time to make conversation; soak up little moments that'll pass you by in a split-second.

The whole week leading up to Christmas Day was a series of back-to-back stomach-stuffing events. We were invited to open-houses, farewells and get-togethers that all had food in the equation (because we're Malaysians, and love our food!).

23rd Dec 2016 - Combined CG Gift Exchange & Pot-bless - Bangsar X Taman Desa X Subang CG.

Each of us brought a dish and as usual, the table ended up with more food displayed than we could stomach. The best part about Combined CG events is when we get to mingle with people from the other CGs and have deeper conversations other than just a 'Hi' and 'Bye'. We played games, exchanged gifts and answered deep questions we have never asked ourselves before this. When it came to the end of the gathering, we celebrated all the December babies and they blew candles from a cake Janelle made especially for them.

24th Dec 2016 - Christmas Dinner @ The Toh's.

This is the second Christmas Dinner we've spent with Uncle David and his family - our new cousins! Ever since Dad reunited with his brother, we've been immensely blessed with more people to call family. Our tummies have been thoroughly blessed too, what with all the scrumptious food Aunty Jo cooks for us. We always have a jolly good time when we're together, and this time we were blessed with Uncle Cecil's (Dad's other brother) presence too. This Christmas, however, we didn't just eat, open presents and go home - we did some caroling, with Aunty Yvonne on Skype with us. And instead of the kids (myself included) unwrapping presents, it was the adults. I made sure each adult had a present to open - Mum and Dad included - and I was truly pleased with their reaction when they saw their gifts. Although I didn't unwrap any gift, their reaction alone, was a gift to me.

I went home, a little happier than usual from all the wine I drank but still a little more grounded.

25th Dec 2016 - Christmas Service in Church.

What better way to spend Christmas morning than in church, giving glory to the Son of God and honoring the birth of Jesus Christ who was born on this day, a long time ago in Bethlehem.

Today, for the first time in awhile, everyone showed up in church and as for our usual Yong X Mani photo, Delon replaced Jon this year as he's in the UK.

Later on in the evening, instead of having Nanny cook up a storm for Christmas dinner, we visited Uncle David's Godma at here home in Cheras.

We laughed, ate her yummy food and drank a little too much wine. But we went home happy - just as it should be on Christmas Day.

That's all for now! Brb, *chewing turkey & eating more fruitcake*

Love always, Krissy xx

Got it! Thanks loves.

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