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BerRIUH with me

A 2-weeks' late - scratch that, 2 months late! - post but better late than never, especially when the moments and pictures remain fresh in my drafts.

I've developed a knack for saying 'YES' to alot of things, and although it's a good thing, more often than not, I always end up regretting as to why I agreed to go in the first place. But with Riuh, two weekends ago, I was too thrilled to miss out on it.

I love being present at events like this - not because there'd be food trucks and things to buy but because I get to wash my eyes with wonder, take pictures and just be there in the moment with everything happening around me. And recently, I've even managed to drag Melodie with me; someone whom has become my partner-in-crime for things like running the city at night or just casually chilling at a coffee shop with our faces glued to our laptop screens.

Healthy Poke bowls from FIN.

IG: fin.kl

Hoppers KL - Appams (South Indian & Sri Lanken traditional pancakes) infused with Malaysian flavours.

Thyme Out - Mexican Food for the soul, I kid you not. The only regret I had when I ordered my box of nachos was choosing Chicken over Beef when I knew damn well that Beef Nachos is always the way to go. Always.

Riuh's Deepavali Bazaar was all colours, lights and everything festive. It was like entering a realm of continuous celebration with the music blaring from the other hall, people donning traditional outfits such as the sarees for women and kurtas for men and an endless cycle of smiles from ear to ear everywhere we walked.

Neon lights and Melodie's vain self.

Featuring our Asian sepet eyes and fake laughs that turned into real ones because we realized how silly it was to just fake laugh when the whole scene turned awkward.

This brother and sister duo teamed up to make bubbles everywhere they went, while running away from their parents who kept asking them to stay still and stop running around.

I literally stood there and waited for this uncle to catch me taking a picture of him, only for him to smile and pose for me.


Just a head's up: Riuh Bazaars are happening every month starting from October.

Want the latest deets? Just head on over to their Facebook page or follow them on Instagram to be up to date.

Facebook: Riuhinthecity

Instagram: @riuhinthecity

Love, K xx

Got it! Thanks loves.

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