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Sylvanmanis' in Ipoh

Every once a year, my family and I make it a point to take a slow drive down to Ipoh.

The sole purpose being to visit a grand-aunt whose every breath and second alive is a blessing.

She just turned 103 yesterday and honestly, once you hit 80, every year after that is a bonus. So we make time, show up and do the best we can to be there for her while we can. No questions asked. 💌

P.S - In all honesty, I was dreading to go. While everyone was busy packing their bags, I was busy trying to come up with excuses to opt out of this trip. I was thinking of all the freedom I could enjoy without my parents around to answer to and go wherever I liked, at any given time. And while I'm being honest, may I also add that there's nothing for me to do in Ipoh other than spend a few minutes visiting Aunty Emily. But all these excuses I was conjuring in my head were all selfish ones because sometimes, I don't get to have my way and that's okay. Not everything I do has to be according to my whims and fancies.

So instead of being a spoilt brat and being the odd one out, I packed my bags the morning of our road-trip and went along.

And I made sure I bloody well made the most of it!

Love always, Krissy xx

Got it! Thanks loves.

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